

Mag. Robert Eder
Software development and programming in the field of radiology physics (including radiation protection and quality assurance)
Medical image processing and 3D printing for clinical applications.
The current focus is the development and maintenance of an in-house radiation dose management platform including skin dose calculation and interactive 3D mapping, as well as the further development of dedicated methods for the calculation and production of patient-specific 3D printed anatomical models.
   1) 3D skin dose calculation
   2) 3D color-coded representation of blood flow kinematics in the case of cerebral arteriovenous
       malformations: -static
   3) Calculation and production of 3d printed molds for intraoperative patient-specific implant design

Tel 24498

Mag. Dr. Christian Kremser
MR safety
MR protocol development and optimization
Special evaluations (iron quantification, relaxometry, perfusion, 4D flow)
Contact for technical problems
MR acquisition
Further training and curricular teaching
Support and participation in MR research projects of all kinds

Tel 24493

Dr. rer. nat. Sergiy Pereverzyev Jr.
Development, adjustment and application of the methods of machine learning (e.g., kernel methods, neural networks, random forest) for predicting clinically relevant information (such as health condition and its future evolution) using radiological information (such as radiological images, various features extracted from the radiological images) and possibly also other available information.
Another working area is connected with the radiological image analysis techniques and segmentation.

Tel 81629

PD. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat. Wolfgang Recheis
Early tumor detection based on CT data by means radiomic feature analysis
Texture analysis, including machine learning
Implementation and optimization of various AI tools for research projects (e.g. automated segmentation)
Image analysis projects including indirect portal vein hypertension estimation
Gout and iodine estimation based on Dual Energy CT
Quantitative analysis of chest CTs
Experimental multi-component 3D Printing for creating phantoms for gauged tissue separation in Dual Energy CT

Tel 24216

Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat. Ruth Steiger
Supervision of the Neuroimaging Research Core Facility
Planning, implementation, participation in neuroscientific MRI projects
MR protocol creation and optimization
Special analyzes (MR spectroscopy, functional MRI)
MR acquisition, responsible for MRS and fMRI components
Further training, curricular teaching, diploma/doctoral student supervision

Tel 81137

Mag. Pavle Torbica
Radiation protection officer for the surgery-building area
Radiation protection instructions
Dose calculations/estimates for ethics committee
Quality assurance (X-ray systems, diagnostic monitors)
Advisory function

Tel 80563

Dr. Michael Verius
Strahlenschutzbeauftragter Bereich FK/ MZA
Qualitätssicherung (Röntgenanlagen, Befundungsmonitore)
fMRI (funktionelles MRI)
FDM- Modellbau

Tel 24498